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Project of the Authorization and Promotion on the Carbon Footprint Labeling Scheme (The Second year)

The purposes of this project are promoting and authorizing the Carbon Labeling and Carbon Reduction Labeling to achieve the goal of GHG emissions reduction. (1)Master the international development information of Carbon Footprint and Environmental Footprint. We signed a technical agreement on cooperation with KEITI and developed an generic PCR of non-alcoholic beverages. (2)Being guidance counselors to help enterprises applying for Carbon Labeling. Taking livelihood and benefit of promotion into consideration, this project chose 2 staples to establish the PCRs and 5 service products to calculate the carbon footprint. (3)Completing the Carbon Labelling examination work. As part of efforts by the Environmental Protection Administration (or EPA) in pushing forward for product footprint labelling, 14 training sessions are convened for the carbon footprint review team, 8 sessions for the technical team, 1 group meeting for the promotion team, and two review meeting was organized. At the same time, we also completed the check on the labeling of 20 pieces of Carbon Labeling products on market and the inspection of 3 products. (4)Improving the Carbon Labelling system. To formulate the proposed amendments to the "Essentials of Promoting Product Carbon Footprint Labeling". To formulate "Supplementary Measures for Low Carbon Products" and "Incorporated B2B Products into Carbon Labeling system". Completion and revision of Vegetable PCR for the results of CFP-PCR review. (5)Enhancing effectiveness of the Carbon Labelling project. Achievements include maintaining the Taiwan Product Carbon Footprint Website with the installation of a user-friendly operation system. We continue to promote the fans website to promote related activities; In addition, translate 105-year Chinese leaflets in English and place them on the English version website for foreigners. Cooperate with EPA to promote 3 promotional activities.
Carbon Labeling, Carbon Reduction Labeling, Product Carbon Footprint